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5 Ideas for Your Next Employer Branding Video: Part 3

Show them what you got! Your unique selling points in real images for more business success - find out more here
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Attract and retain talent with corporate benefits

The thing about the seasonal fruit basket in the office — a rather ridiculed phrase in recruiting, but, hand on heart, i.e. a popular corporate benefit for local employees. Companies often mention these and many other benefits, such as bonuses, the job bike, or flexible working hours, including in their job advertisements or during job interviews. However, these written statements do not provide any insight into your corporate world or are often read over. 

That's why you only emphasize your unique selling point as an employer through authentic insights — in the form of videos. The focus is on your employees in the recruitment process, who pick up and address your future talents. In our accompanying webinar, we therefore present the TOP 5 video formats for employer branding.

The TOP 5 video formats for employer branding are:

  1. Question-answer formats
  2. Follow me around the videos
  3. Corporate Benefits
  4. Events
  5. Social Engagement

In this article, we would like to present the corporate benefit format.

Why you should use video marketing to communicate your business benefits

Whether it's the sunny roof terrace, the fully equipped fitness room, or the free parking spaces — your benefits say a lot about your corporate culture and can be extremely diverse. Some companies offer exceptional services such as childcare at work or vacation trips. And they should be mentioned and shown! Many benefits are not only nice to have, but they are often decisive for attracting and retaining talent.

What things do you value? 

  • physical and mental health?
  • Comfort on the way to and at work?
  • The human connection between colleagues?

You shouldn't just list these benefits, but show them! Benefits as part of your video marketing create more credibility, set you apart from the competition, and help the right candidates feel addressed in the recruiting process. With video about your benefits, you not only make attractive promises but also use real images to show that and how your employees are also actively using them.

➡️ In our webinar on employer branding, you can watch sample videos from our customers and get inspired. Here you can get the Link to the webinar

➡️ Or Book a demo For exclusive templates for your next employer branding video including professional video project support with StoryBox.

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