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The right gesture in front of the camera

The do's and don'ts in front of the camera for your next video project
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How much and especially which body language Is necessary or appropriate for video communication? In addition to facial expressions, gestures are an important part of nonverbal communication and generlly more difficult to control when you speak into the camera alone, i.e. without a counterpart or conversation partner.

We at StoryBox spent many hours practicing and analyzing mistakes and sharing positive things with the team in joint analyses and feedback sessions. Despite many hours of training, it always happens that you are not completely in control of your own body.

We have compiled some of these experiences and learnings in this blog article. In doing so, we will give you some tips for a professional appearance to continue with your video production. Whether standing for a message to a customer or sitting during a screen recording: Gestures play an important role in your work in front of the camera.


A well-known saying says: “Preparation is very important.” Ideally, you should answer the following questions before fine-tuning your speech:

  • Which tidings Do I want to send to the recipient?
  • What is the key message or the so-called” Call-to-action“?
  • What effect do I have on other people in general?
  • Would I like to stand or in sitting communicate?
  • Which outfits are the best fit for my message and recipients?
  • Have I enough light for my recordings?
  • Which perspective, which format, which image section, and which background Should my video have?
  • Do I need a second person to look more natural?

As soon as you have clarified all open topics, you are ready to record your video message. True StoryBox professionals hardly need any more time and energy to answer the above questions, because: “Practice makes perfect! ”.

Gesture: The entirety of gestures

All movements that are used for interpersonal communication are referred to as gestures. In particular, arms, hands, and head posture accompany or replace verbal communication.

Underline your statements with a positive and professional body language:


  • Breathe at the beginning, deep in and out a few times to your concentration to point at the recording.
  • If in the picture: Empty all your trouser pockets before taking pictures.
  • Straighten your shoulders, hold Back straight, and stay relaxed while doing so.
  • Look directly and decisively at the camera.
  • Note that some smartphones are not centered around the camera. We recommend a short test with your device.
  • Customize your stance on the image section.
  • Keep your arms and hands loose and always open.
  • By hand, movements underline important statements.


  • Never fold your arms under any circumstances.
  • Never hide your hands in your pocket or jacket.


Gestures, posture, and body language are extremely important to make a good impression in front of the camera. Gestures may well be used to reinforce what is being said and to convey your message in the best possible way. It is important that you feel comfortable in front of the camera and that you convey joy to the recipient.

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