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Make video communication more efficient in business

How to master the challenge of video communication in your company
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In the beginning, few people suspected that a pandemic such as corona would completely change our lifestyle. In addition to social distancing and quarantine, we have also experienced significant changes in our professional life. Remote work and home office are no longer reserved for so-called digital nomads and nerds but have found their way into many companies to be able to maintain operations at all as part of the corona-related restrictions. With the sudden extensive increase in the use of video conferences, the use of digital communication experienced an unexpected boost. It was interesting for quite a few users to discuss the project with their colleagues via video call, or to listen to the CEO's presentation in a team of several people — A new reality has found its way into our working lives.

Video communication is a challenge

Quite a few companies and also their employees had Little to no experience with home office and video communication before Corona. Why too? — In most work environments, this wasn't even necessary. In a large number of companies, regular face-to-face meetings, employee meetings and participation in various events play an overriding role. When video conferences and further digital communication suddenly have to be used, it quickly presents the company and individual employees with unexpected challenges:

  • Not every user is easy to use the respective application
  • Many applications have restrictions on the maximum number of users or duration
  • The bigger the team, the more difficult it is to find appointments together 
  • Complex content that requires explanation is more difficult to convey
  • The quality of video calls depends heavily on the bandwidth
  • The question of security and GDPR compliance is inevitable

Under these aspects, the selection of company-compliant communication solutions quickly becomes low and expensive. In addition to technical implementation, employee training is usually a major cost factor here, as many of the business solutions are complex and cannot be operated intuitively.

Asynchronous communication

In addition to direct (synchronous) communication, asynchronous communication has proven particularly effective in recent years among companies that use Multinationals and Time Zones or work across teams. Starting with email, up to messaging platforms that have been very popular for some time — in the business sector, these include Slack and Microsoft Teams in particular, to name just two examples. It has been shown that asynchronous communication can be the key to greater productivity, especially for companies with a high Internet affinity. However, it is interesting that synchronous video chat solutions such as Skype, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams are usually still used for video calls.

Proven evolution — creating new solutions.

It is therefore obvious to adapt, optimize, and evolve the possibilities for communication within companies to the new situation. Technically speaking, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here, the solution is to package the advantages of video as a medium into an asynchronous communication tool. Especially since this is an effective alternative to long conference calls and the flood of emails The primary challenge is to meet the requirements of companies and the reality of the business world. Efficient video communication for companies must therefore include:

  • data security Guarantee and GDPR-compliant be
  • intuitive and easy to use be
  • completely Run stably,
  • Fits seamlessly into the Unternehmenstruktur Have it embed
  • And at best cost-effective.

At StoryBox, we are fully committed to this challenge and, with our platform of the same name, offer a solution for high-performance Video Communication in Companies, that meets these requirements and promotes greater productivity. If this blog post sparked your interest in learning more about the possibilities of StoryBox and how your company can benefit from them — feel free to contact us — our experts will be happy to provide you with StoryBox in a Product demo Before. Completely non-binding and free of charge.

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