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5 ideas for your next recruiting video: Part 1

That belongs in a video job ad — including a sample video
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Job ads as video

Are you already using videos for your recruiting and applicant management? Then you're in line with the trend of 2023! You have certainly already noticed from the success of the candidate search with a video that recordings have become an integral part of recruiting. Because they are far more appealing than simple posts or impersonal messages, which consist only of text. In addition, video allows you to communicate the company culture, the details of the job, and the desired applicant profile in a more emotional and personal way, whereupon more and, above all, suitable candidates come forward. Videos also help you stay present on social media in particular and strengthen your brand sustainably. This makes video projects scalable.

To integrate video messages even more strongly and successfully into your recruiting processes in the future, we would like to show you how to use videos for job advertisements in part 1 of our article series “5 ideas for your next recruiting video.”

Job posting with video: appealing because unique

Did you know that you can't just produce videos to send messages to prospects via LinkedIn message? Videos are for the entire candidate journey useful, also for creating job advertisements.

Many companies rely on equal footing toward the present and to show transparency. Video is the best way to do this and ensures that candidates come forward who feel addressed by these insights. Traditional job advertisements on career pages of companies or large job portals are often pure text deserts, peppered with widespread phrases and little uniqueness. However, to attract the ideal candidates, it is important for the applicant market to attract attention and to have Individuality in the foreground toward put.

Anyone who also appealingly provides the right information secures suitable TOP candidates (instead of complete CVs) and saves their HR department the unnecessary waste of valuable resources, for example through unnecessary discussions and countless cancellations.

This includes a successful video for a job ad

For potential candidates to apply, your video must convey not only important information about the job but also a feeling — a feeling for yourself, the team, and the culture. In general, focus less on hard facts and do not give presentations on a candidate's desirable skills. That is what the written notice is for. Also, refrain from using meaningless phrases that almost every company uses. Your recruiting video should Extend the written format to include the human component with charm. 

  • Briefly introduce yourself
  • Name the vacant position
  • Address a few tasks that occur in the day-to-day operations of the job
  • Show relevant colleagues or supervisors
  • Take the viewer around your rooms
  • Bring your culture across with humor, charm, and originality
  • Explain who you are the right employer for
  • Don't forget: call-to-action at the end of the video

StoryBox white paper

Would you like to learn more about the topic? Then download our free white paper with all the information about recruiting with video

>> Download white paper

Charming sample video from a customer

Take a look at how our Customer uses Avantgarde Experts videos for recruiting

A charming employee shoots a relaxed video in line with the corporate culture — without much production effort and yet appealing. The vacant position is mentioned, what the rough tasks are, and why this particular company is the right employer. At the same time, shooting gives you valuable insights into the company premises and gives you a feeling of how to interact with each other. These are exactly the benefits of videos. Information and, above all, feelings can be conveyed better in spoken form than in a written job advertisement — as you can see in the example video.

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