Standing out instead of sinking: Video when addressing candidates

Stand out with video instead of going down with 0815 job advertisements - that's how it works!
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Standing out instead of sinking: Using video when addressing candidates

Does your company have a vacant position that you would like to fill with a new talent? That's when you need to use a good recruiting strategy Not around anymore. After all, Talent Acquisition is harder than ever today, and Generation Y in particular is very demanding when it comes to reconciling work and private life. She is no longer interested in a nine-to-five job, in a dreary office, without an exciting corporate culture.

As part of your Recruiting employees, you have to do much more than publish a simple job ad in a local newspaper or post it on a job board. Instead, you should be present and address the talent you are looking for in a very specific way. This works best with a video. This format not only allows you to address yourself directly but also allows you to present your company in the best possible way and thus actively Candidate Experience to influence. 

StoryBox white paper

“More talent with HR videos” 

In our white paper, we have put together many helpful tips and measures to help you win with video communication in the “War for Talents.” 

>> Download white paper

Competition in the employer market is fierce

When you are a Recruiter you are looking for new employees, you will probably have already noticed that this is a very time-consuming task. After all, the competition in the labor market is so great that the talents can almost choose their dream jobs themselves. No more time-consuming application process during which they have to worry about whether they will be selected from a wide range of applicants.

Instead, this situation has shifted to the other side. Instead, companies must work hard to arouse interest as employers and stand out from the crowd. Stand out is therefore the motto to attract talent and thus attract new employees to the company.

How to make your company stand out positively when recruiting

Now you're probably asking yourself how you and your company stand out and how to set recruiting employees to a new level. A successful and simple method here is the use of video messages. With video recruiting You can present your company as an employer in very different ways and thus address a wide variety of target groups. In the following, we will explain to you which areas are particularly interesting for talents and which Candidate Journey influences.

1. Show the modern workplace

Would you like the video format for your Recruiting Incorporate strategy? Then this is a good and thoroughly contemporary idea that has several advantages. For example, you can stand out and stand out from the crowd of employers by showing off your office space and work technology during the recruiting and onboarding process. Are they perhaps even particularly modern or of high quality? So much the better! This is because you can arouse the interest of talents so that they consider you as an employer and become applicants or even new employees.

Nowadays, talents want to know which work environment they are involved in. The job or salary alone no longer makes them choose an employer. Instead, it is usually important for them to work in a well-equipped workplace that is not only ergonomically designed but also contains high-quality technology. For example, if every employee in your company works with an Apple device, that can be a unique selling point that the candidate experience influences, and your recruiting moves forward.

2. Corporate culture can be so colorful

You can also use a recruiting video to show how colorful and diverse the culture in your company is. To make this possible, you can, for example, let a wide variety of employees have their say. Are your employees allowed to dress as they want at work? Then show that! Can you have outstanding personalities? Does your team include people who are particularly funny, loud, or charismatic? Then show them too. Every talent that is colorful and individual will be inspired by your video, feel addressed and automatically establish a connection with your company.

In addition, you can also create collaborative videos to show that your company has different locations or possibly even via several continents is distributed out. This multicultural character is also very attractive for talented people today and shows once again how open and networked You are as an employer.

3. Hierarchies within the company

In addition to these two aspects, you can use a video in addition, show how your company is structurally structured and how hierarchies are lived out. For example, does every employee have equal rights or does your company pay attention to clear boundaries between the various levels and thus to superordination and subordination?

You can also find out how communication within your company works with a video show and possibly set yourself apart from the competition in the employer market. This includes, for example, the question of whether colleagues and, of course, also the boss have a verbal distance that is guarded and prized. Or maybe you prefer to live a more personal communication instead, in which all employees are showered and addressed by their first name.

The latter variant is for talents Particularly appealing today, as they release synergies and thus increase overall performance. Do you show with your recruiting video even this side of your company, you can therefore also shine and noticeably increase your attractiveness on the employer market. Once again, the creation of collaborative videos. This allows you to let several employees to speak, even if they are due to the Home Office or different locations spatially separated from each other.

With this video tool, you will be able to stand out

Would you like to stand out and increase the presence and attractiveness of your company on the job market? Then you should put the video in your Recruiting Include measures. For this to work quickly and easily without sacrificing quality, you need a good video tool. Die App by StoryBox It's a good choice here. With it, you can intuitively produce video messages without relying on previous technical knowledge. This makes StoryBox a Video tool, which can be used by all employees in the company.

In addition, with StoryBox, you can also use your employer branding to expand. It is possible to upload fonts and logos and use them to create templates that your employees can then use for their video productions. With StoryBox Loop, you can also create collaborative videos. This means that you are not dependent on everyone involved in video production working in the same place. Instead, they can record, edit, and share video sequences in real time so that your recruiting video is ready for use within a short period despite the removal.

Would you like to know more about the App by StoryBox experience? Then you can Book a demo and in a personal conversation with the experts, discuss exactly how your Video tool be able to successfully integrate into your company.

StoryBox is the SaaS solution for creating and sharing collaborative corporate videos quickly, easily, and independently of time and place. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.


When looking for new employees, you now have to be inventive and above all, have stamina. The job market has changed noticeably and is no longer letting applicants bibble about whether they will get their desired job. Instead, companies must now do everything they can to stand out and attract talent as an employer. For this to work, you should integrate video in your recruiting strategy and thus increase the attractiveness of your company.

This works, for example, by transparent insights in your workspaces and show what equipment and technology the talents will work with if they choose you as an employer. The hierarchies are also an interesting aspect, with which you can influence the Candidate Journey. But you particularly hit the nerve of the times when you use a video message and show how colorful and diverse your company may be. Because the topics of gender and diversity in particular have become increasingly relevant in recent years — not only in private but also in professional environments.

Do you incorporate all of these aspects into your recruiting and onboarding if you hire strategists and present them in a video, you certainly have a good chance of standing out among the many competitors on the job market. This is the only way to find good talent today and as new employees to win over for your company.

Always keep an eye on the costs of your video production
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What's next? Here are your next steps...

Ready to dive deeper into the world of video communication? We've got three easy ways for you to expand your knowledge and skills:


Free expert appointment: Get one non-binding consultation with one of our video specialists. Get individual tips on how to scale your video output in a targeted and efficient manner.


Free trial: Start now with our free trial and create your first video in just 3 minutes.


Want more knowledge? Whether it's HR, marketing, internal communication or knowledge transfer — on our blog you will find comprehensive guides to all aspects of video communication.


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