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5 ideas for your next recruiting video: Part 2

That's why you should rely on video direct messages — and here's how to set them up
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Active speech via video

The second part of our series of articles “5 ideas for your next recruiting video” is about active sourcing — more specifically, approaching candidates directly with a unique video message. Keyword unique:

Active sourcing existed even before emails and social media messages: Back then, it focused on graduates who were explicitly addressed by recruiters. Today, it is much faster to contact HR employees and you will soon reach a huge pool of potential candidates. That is why standardized mass emails are often used — with little success, as our customers confirm before using videos. Even in the fast-moving times of LinkedIn, Xing, and Co. want candidates perceived and addressed as individuals. That's why you should rely on personal contact with video content in your recruiting process.

Benefits of active sourcing via video message

employee retention: You achieve this through the active use of recruiters who record videos and present yourself with your brand, as well as significantly more employee retention over the long term through the actual recruitment of employees via video.

Wider range: With videos, you can reach a significantly larger talent pool — this includes both the active candidate market with talent who are actively applying and the passive candidate market with talent who is open to change but not actively looking for change.

Better response rate: You get 50% more feedback with messages that include videos. This is particularly true for direct initial speeches because anyone who sees and hears the speaker automatically feels connected to him.

Lower time-to-hire: Thanks to video, you benefit from a lower time-to-hire, because the recruiting process is streamlined through video messages and achieves results faster, as candidates can better assess whether they are a good fit for you.

Save costs: You save HR costs due to a larger number of applicants with comparatively less effort and faster results.

Memorable appearance: Videos are (ideally) entertaining. That's why focus on your uniqueness and be authentic when it comes to your recruiting messages. Even if you don't apply for now, you'll remember the candidates!

First impressions count — be unique, be yourself 

With video messaging, your contacts have with you, as if it were a first meeting before the first meeting. That's why a recruiting video isn't much different from an initial exchange with a candidate. You have a clear advantage: You can win over applicants directly with positive emotions and storytelling, whether with your charming manner, a cool story about the company, or a reference to brilliant benefits. 

So why long Write impersonal messages when you can tell the most important facts in just a few minutes?

StoryBox white paper

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9 important points for your video speech

Here's how you can set up your active sourcing video to connect with your top talents:

  1. State the job title
  2. Briefly introduce yourself and your role
  3. Briefly introduce the company
  4. Authentic speech to the candidate, appropriate to your culture
  5. Incorporate examples from day-to-day business
  6. Why you in particular are ideal as a new challenge
  7. The candidate should be able to do that
  8. Why could the person suit you
  9. Call-to-action: Invite to a conversation


Would you like to take your video messages to a new level? Then don't shoot short videos about vacant positions, but Personalize them also for each candidate that you would like to contact. Address your candidates by name, address local benefits for them, and make your company appealing to them based on their professional careers or interests. Social media reveals a lot, make use of this information and show that every employee is noticed by you and is not lost in the crowd. 

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