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Stay connected via video: Connect your managers with the departments

Close the gap between management and your teams by using videos!
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Use videos as a communication tool for top-down or bottom-up management

Staying constantly connected and informed within a team is proving to be a challenge in many companies. This is especially true for cross-departmental communication, especially when jumping to another hierarchical level — hybrid work models with remote work and time differences among colleagues contribute significantly to this. For this reason, internal communication requires modern tools that Speed up, simplify, and make conversations, processes, and projects more efficient. The use of videos has established itself as useful. We show how videos link different hierarchies and departments in daily business and what benefits can be achieved as a result.

Video as a communication tool at all levels of business

In principle, video content can at any level and in all scenarios be used in a company. They are a solution that provides better information transfer, saves resources, and involves more interaction.

Video messages are useful for:

  • Dissemination of company news
  • Quarterly presentations
  • company-wide event information
  • important board announcements
  • team-led project presentations
  • internal team updates
  • Onboarding processes
  • and much more

Top-down management: connecting managers and departments via video

The top-down management style ensures clear authority, good quality controls, and standardized automation. Unfortunately, however, Often a break in communication from management level to departments. This results in information gaps and a loss of human connection. That is why Video is the ideal communication tool to constantly connect management with the underlying departments, teams, and individual employees. This video contact significantly contributes to increased transparency and ensures a continuous flow of information between hierarchical levels.

  • Video messages are a good means of communication for human resource management. From recruiting to onboarding to employee updates — videos can be used in a variety of ways.
  • Using video, Crisis communication and build trust more easily.
  • Through videos, important things can be done from management down to recycling, and will be preserved in the long term.
  • Especially in the case of important information or tasks, videos can Shorten courses of action.

Bottom-up management: communication between all parties with video

Bottom-up means that employees are decisively involved in the Alignment of day-to-day business, on projects and processes as well as involved in culture. To avoid employees becoming too bogged down and the responsibility being unbearable, a lot of communication is needed here in particular. This is achieved by using videos, which ensure that information is formulated, transmitted, and available at any time.

  • With video, you ensure connectedness and trust, despite hybrid work models
  • Video contributes to easier project management and contributes to a constant project overview.
  • Working with StoryBox in particular allows the integration of all employees through a highly collaborative Tool.
  • When there are many parties involved in projects, a more constant exchange of information in demand, even asynchronously and remotely. With video, you counteract knowledge silos!

3 key benefits of using videos

When different departments and levels of hierarchy collaborate and communicate with each other to move projects, teams, the entire company, and individuals forward, tools are required to make this easier.

  1. Efficient cross-team communication

Regardless of whether your management style is top-down or bottom-up: With video, you can overcome all hurdles in cross-team and cross-company communication. On the one hand, by gaining knowledge, reducing correction loops, and especially Avoiding knowledge silos. With StoryBox, you ensure collaborative, time-shifted work at all levels.

2nd More transparency from above and below

Videos make communication easier in both directions, which leads to more transparency at all levels in a company. Teams can collaboratively present projects or the like to the entire management team and also work on them asynchronously. Managers can in turn inform their departments of any news regardless of working hours or attendance. All in all, videos ensure seamless communication and more human connection.

3rd More employee motivation at every level

By using videos, you benefit from more employee motivation, as all necessary parties are involved, feel heard, and can communicate. This is reflected, among other things, in key figures such as the productivity and profitability of employees and managers and the implementation of projects. In addition, you also achieve improved team building and more corporate loyalty through the Inclusion of employees as a mouthpiece.

Videos with StoryBox: closing information gaps

Close gaps with company-wide videos where there is a lack of communication, motivation, trust, and transparency in busy schedules and asynchronous work models with a home office. Video messages can be used in many ways and are more effective than emails or chats, especially when it comes to communication at various levels. 

Learn our cloud-based video system StoryBox in a short demo Know!

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