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Video recordings in internal communication: no more knowledge silos, lots of transparency

Five tasks in your daily business that will be even more productive thanks to video. Read it now!
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Video recordings in internal corporate communications

Are you also tired of trawling through an incomprehensible intranet in your company? Are you missing important content in the knowledge base or would you like to ensure that News from really everyone in your organization arrives? Then rely on video content and video communication with StoryBox in the future.

Thousands of pieces of information must be provided and shared every day in your company. Starting with access to internal programs to project status. Employees also want to communicate with each other internally. Be it between individual colleagues or entire departments, often internationally. Announcements or expertise are often included and passed on orally more quickly than in written form. Often speaking, video recordings are also much more understandable and tangible, which is why video recordings are becoming increasingly popular. They ensure an increase in productivity, saving costs and time as well as for easier, hurdle-free ways of internal communication. In addition, videos reach every recipient on a much more emotional level, which ensures that information is better absorbed.

That's why you too should use modern videos as a medium in internal corporate communication

Here are four tasks in your daily business that become more productive and easier with videos with StoryBox

1. Transfer of knowledge through explanatory videos

There is one thing you should always do in companies: Avoiding knowledge silos and disseminating knowledge broadly. This means that all employees with expertise always pass this on to their colleagues. Ideally through video content that helps build an extensive knowledge base or a place for training content. For example, frequently asked questions can be answered once or complicated processes can be broken down into individual parts for a better understanding.

Your advantage: There is no need for complicated and unnecessarily long documentation, which no one then regularly maintains or reads. The information is quickly compiled through videos, can be updated at any time, and can be accessed by all parties. In addition, the information can be transmitted much better thanks to the human component. You are also not dependent on the availability of experts when imparting knowledge. Your video messages Can be consumed asynchronously at any time.

2. Get expertise

The horror scenario in a modern, agile organization: An employee leaves the company and with him/her goes along with the expertise gained over many years. With the StoryBox tool for video communication, you avoid this common problem. Your advantage: Through video messages, all employees can constantly record important processes or how-tos during their working hours and thus Save long-term for other colleagues. This means that all expertise in your company is always retained, up-to-date, precise, and in an emotionally appealing way.

3. Onboard new colleagues

Time is money, and that costs a lot of time and therefore cash. Onboarding from new employees in your organization. What if specific and, above all, repetitive, generally valid content from the areas of HR, controlling, or even from individual departments can be transmitted via video message? With StoryBox, it's possible! Your advantage: The new colleague will continue to be introduced to internal processes human and interactive, but costs you significantly fewer resources. In addition, the new employee gets to know everything important through the video messages: other teams, additional locations, diversity in your organization, and much more. Our app is also up to date in terms of data protection and is ideal for onboarding international colleagues.

4. Announce C-level news

Management-level announcements are the most important information within a company. However, the regular circulars are often too long or not attractive enough, which is why the desire to read is lost. This leads to gaps in knowledge and a supposed lack of transparency but also ensures that there is no sense of community because projects or employee actions do not receive the appropriate attention they deserve.

Your advantage: With videos, you can send all important messages from management or other departments in clear, precise, and especially appealing formulate and direct them to the right recipients. Thanks to videos with StoryBox, benefit from a transparent, hurdle-free corporate culture in that everyone actively lives together. Each announcement is always CI-compliant. This ensures a correspondingly greater commitment to your company. No more silent mail, corridors, or unread announcements.

5. Strengthen collaborative work

Strong teams work together productively even when they're not in the same room. And in times of working from home, this is completely normal. That is why tools are needed for collaborative work promotion. With StoryBox, videos about projects can be created remotely by entire teams. Individual sequences can be easily added, edited, and approved.

Your advantage: Even with time differences or hybrid jobs 

the team spirit is not lost and deadlines are feasible. In addition, joint projects are easier to implement and can be presented in authentic video messages.

A simple video tool for authentic messages

The introduction of StoryBox as an instrument saves resources and ensures seamless transfer of knowledge in these five, but also many other everyday situations in your internal communication. Especially hybrid workplaces with appropriate flexibility flourish through the use of authentic videos in internal corporate communication. Thanks to integrated templates, it is easy to create video messages that handle the tool too without previous technical knowledge. The topic of data protection is also covered by our modern technology. 

Would you like to know more about the StoryBox App experience? Then simply book a demo online now and let one of our experts show you modern, individual solutions for your business challenges!

StoryBox Loop is the SaaS solution for creating and sharing collaborative corporate videos quickly, easily, and independently of time and place. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.

>> More about StoryBox Loop


Boring circulars, opaque documentation, and repetitive onboarding are a thing of the past. By using StoryBox's video tool, you ensure appropriate internal communication Transparency, and team spirit

Not only that: You also guarantee the completeness of your information and ensure a significant Saving of valuable resources. Thanks to StoryBox, the Knowledge transfer between employees is swifter instead of and every Onboarding needs less manpower.

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